

Klarvik receives silver in sustainability

For the first time, Klarvik’s sustainability work has been evaluated by the independent international analysis company Ecovadis and is based on criteria in four different areas: environment, business ethics, human rights and sustainable purchasing. The evaluation is based on internationally accepted principles for sustainability reporting such as GRI (Global Reporting Initiative), the UN’s Global Compact and ISO:26000.

For the business year 2023, Klarvik received 69 points out of 100, which means that we have been awarded EcoVadis Silver.

– Receiving a silver medal from EcoVadis is a significant recognition. This means that we belong to the top 15% of all assessed companies. Our continuous efforts and concrete measures to reduce our environmental impact, ensure good working conditions for our employees and conduct ethical business practices put us at the forefront of sustainability work within our industry. In summary, this shows that we are on the right track when it comes to sustainability.

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About EcoVadis

EcoVadis is a globally recognized sustainability software company originally launched in Paris in 2007, which has enjoyed great success over the past fifteen years – EcoVadis is now one of the world’s largest and most trusted services for viewing and comparing sustainability ratings with an extensive network of over 130 000 companies in over 180 countries that have been audited and assessed.